The members of the Program, Budget and Accounting Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly visited Pars Isotope

The members of the Program, Budget and Accounting Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly visited Pars Isotope Radiopharmaceutical Production Laboratories on 29 September 2024.
The members of the Program, Budget and Accounting Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, who were present at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran for a meeting with Mr. Eslami, Honorable VicePresident of the Islamic Republic of Iran and President of  the  Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, with the aim of getting to know the latest achievements of this organization, also visited the Pars Isotope production laboratories on 29 September 2024. The Program, Budget and Accounting Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly is one of the specialized commissions of the Islamic Consultative Assembly. This commission is formed to carry out the tasks assigned within the scope of the program, budget, program and budget supervision and the accounting and financial affairs of the parliament and to provide statistics and general technical services according to the rules of this regulation.
During this visit, Mr. Mohammadreza Davarpanah, the CEO of Pars Isotope, after the technical presentation and product application explanations by experts, pointed out the price of Pars Isotope products in the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment compared to other countries. He also noted, “The price of similar products produced by Pars Isotope is much cheaper than in advanced European and American countries, and most of it is covered by the patient’s insurance.
He continued: “Without exaggeration, we can say that we are the first in the Middle East and among the best in the world in the production of radiopharmaceuticals, and this would not have been possible without the efforts of our scientific and technical colleagues.
At the end of his visit, he added that Iran’s Radiopharmaceutical Production and Development Centre, called TETRA, will soon be unveiled and this center will be one of the most modern radiopharmaceutical production centers in the world in terms of technical equipment for at least the next 50 years.

