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- Introduction
Today, in the era of nuclear science and technology, mankind is living in a quite different world to his ancestors.The livelihood and welfare of humans are now intermingled with nuclear technology and its achievements.
Iranian scholars have always been pioneers in the advance of scince and well-being of the human societies, as it is found in the long lasting poem:
If you split a particle you find a sun hidden inside
Relying on the foregoing briefs, PARS ISOTOPE Co. ( PICo) was founded and is mainly involved in:
“Production and development of various radioisotopes, associated equipments, and related services in the fields of medicine and industry”
The company has so far tried to supply viable products /services by employing the state-of-the-art technology, professional manpower, the highest qualitative standards and has committed itself to technically updated science and culture of radiation application both at local and global markets.
Based on humane and national values as well as International Standards, our company approach in this business is to treat our consumers as the most precious wealth and hence, urges to meet all requirements in favor of total cost reduction in order to uplift societyʼs health level. Moreover, this would also entail empowering related plants, consumers satisfaction and realizing Companyʼs progress according to its following key motto:
- Packaging
All radiopharmaceuticals are classified as hazardous materials and need packaging with a UN marking. Radiopharmaceuticals can be packaged in a variety of configurations and shipped under strict environmental controls. Using highly trained and specialized team, PARS ISOTOPE has developed special packaging designs for the delivery of its products. All radiopharmaceutical packagings submit to the national and international regulatorys authorities for the transportation of radioactive products. The packaging which is designed at PARS ISOTOPE had passed all the standard quality control tests by the National Radiation Protection Department (NRPD) and approved as type A radioactive packaging. These packagings are in a metal or plastic drum with light preservative polymer as holder of lead shield containing radiopharma- ceutical. The packages are marked with a yellow ΙΙ category labell which includes the type of radiopharmaceutical, the activity and transport index (TI). Radiopharmaceuticals after placing in packages are sealed, labeled and shipped to the customers.
- Radiopharmaceuticals Quality Control Department
The PARS ISOTOPE quality control management is equipped with the modern analytical instruments complying to Good Laboratory Practice( GLP) which conducts the control exper- iments in accordance with the applicable pharmacopoeial monographs. This management consists of raw material control lab, prod- uct control lab, biological and microbiological control lab, chemistry and radiochemistry lab, instrumental analysis lab and IPQC. In these labs, certified analysts carry out raw material and packaging analysis, bulk and finished product analysis and review the batch documents. Highly trained and qualified personnel perform the tests based on pharmaco- poeial monographs making this management as a national reference in the radiopharmaceutical quality control field.
Today, in the era of nuclear science and technology, mankind is living in a quite different world to his ancestors.The livelihood and welfare of humans are now intermingled with nuclear technology and its achievements.
Iranian scholars have always been pioneers in the advance of scince and well-being of the human societies, as it is found in the long lasting poem:
If you split a particle you find a sun hidden inside
Relying on the foregoing briefs, PARS ISOTOPE Co. ( PICo) was founded and is mainly involved in:
“Production and development of various radioisotopes, associated equipments, and related services in the fields of medicine and industry”
The company has so far tried to supply viable products /services by employing the state-of-the-art technology, professional manpower, the highest qualitative standards and has committed itself to technically updated science and culture of radiation application both at local and global markets.
Based on humane and national values as well as International Standards, our company approach in this business is to treat our consumers as the most precious wealth and hence, urges to meet all requirements in favor of total cost reduction in order to uplift societyʼs health level. Moreover, this would also entail empowering related plants, consumers satisfaction and realizing Companyʼs progress according to its following key motto:
“A New Horizon of Life”
- What is nuclear medicine?
Nuclear medicine is a branch of medicine that uses small amounts of radioactive isotopes to help diagnose, determine the severity of, or treat a variety of diseases, including certain types of cancers, heart disease, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurological disorders and other abnormalities within the body. Because diagnostic nuclear medicine procedures are able to help visualize molecular activity within the body, they offer the potential to identify disease in its earliest stage, often before symptoms occur or before abnormalities can be detected with other diagnostic tests, and can even help identify a patient’s response to therapeutic interventions. Larger amounts of radioactive isotopes can also be used for therapy for certain types of diseases.
Nuclear Medicine diagnostic scans offer unique information, including details on both the function and anatomic structure of the body and have high sensitivity & specificity for cardiology and oncology.
Diagnostic nuclear medicine procedures are noninvasive medical tests that have been used for over 50 years. Depending on the type of nuclear medicine exam, the radiotracer is injected, inhaled, or swallowed and accumulates in the organ or area of the body being examined. The isotope then emits radiation from the targeted organ or cell receptor to an external detector, often called a nuclear medicine camera.
· Trusted to make a difference for patients
We develop, manufacture and distribute radiopharmaceutical products that meet industry-leading standards in quality, efficacy and innovation.
Parsisotope specializes in the production and supply of radioactive tracers used in nuclear medicine. By potentially enabling accurate early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, as well as heart, brain and bone diseases, our world-class products empower our customers with effective treatment, and proven patient outcomes.
· Sustainable partnerships that foster success
We believe in building long-term partnerships that drive sustainable growth for our customers.
How do we do this?
By providing exceptional service reliability
By maintaining strict quality standards
By constantly expanding our diverse product portfolio
By putting the lives of patients at the forefront of all we do
· Advanced solutions that create better futures
By continually improving our business, we help our partners do the same. In turn, we improve the lives and health outcomes of our patients, ensuring a brighter future for all.
With this in mind, we are deeply committed to finding new and better ways of developing and supplying quality products.
We are wholly dedicated to the nuclear medicine industry, working closely with our customers and suppliers to stay ahead of trends and deliver effective radiopharmaceutical solutions.
Above all, we take an honest and transparent approach to the way we conduct business, giving our clients peace of mind and a service they can depend on.
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